Provision of University Guidance and Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) continues to expand at DBS. As students over the age of 15 are legally allowed to work part-time in the UAE, students will be afforded greater opportunities to engage with the workplace, higher education and employers than ever before.
Our primary resource in school remains the CEIAG and University Guidance platform, Unifrog ( that all students and parents from Year 9 upwards have access to.
Students from Year 7 upwards carry out CEIAG activities appropriate to their age; most of these activities are delivered as part of the PSHE programme, some are delivered at specific times in the school year when they relate to key transition points.
Senior students receive bespoke advice and guidance relating to their subject choices at and beyond DBSEH, as well as a number of sessions that develop students’ professional, academic and domestic skills in preparation for life after DBSEH.
My role as Head of University and Career Guidance is to equip students with the skills to use information about their next steps effectively and help them make the right choices for them in their GCSE and Sixth Form Options. This may be about keeping future pathways open and flexible or about the best ways to access specific courses if their mind is already made up.
Should you have any questions about CEIAG provision at DBSEH, please contact:, Head of University and Career Guidance.
Secondary Stage Teacher
Meet the Secondary Stage teachers team at Dubai British School Emirates Hills.