2024-25 Academic Year Tuition Fees
Year Groups | Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Total |
Foundation Stage: 1 - 2 | AED 20,723 | AED 15,543 | AED 15,543 | AED 51,809 |
Years 1 - 2 | AED 20,723 | AED 15,543 | AED 15,543 | AED 51,809 |
Years 3 - 6 | AED 23,686 | AED 17,765 | AED 17,765 | AED 59,216 |
Years 7 - 11 | AED 28,129 | AED 21,097 | AED 21,097 | AED 70,323 |
Year 12 - 13 | AED 31,085 | AED 23,315 | AED 23,315 | AED 77,715 |
There is a sibling discount of 10% on tuition fees for the third (youngest) and subsequent child in each family, paying full fees, for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years, attending any Taaleem school in Dubai.
A one-time non-refundable non-transferable Application Fee of AED 525 is required to process your child’s application. It applies to new students only and includes 5% VAT added as per government regulations.
Registration Fee AED 4,000 – only for new students. Payment of registration fee secures a place for your child at DBS Emirates Hills and is credited against Term 1 fees. The deadline for Term 1 fee is 2nd August. To register your child, you are required to pay the balance of the first term fees at least one month before the beginning of the school year and hand in post-dated cheques for the subsequent term.
For students transferring within Dubai schools, there is a KHDA administration fee of AED 120 for each student which should be settled in cash. This fee is collected on behalf of the KHDA by the receiving school.
Tariff for the following KHDA services as stipulated by KHDA:
- Request for student Education Continuation Certificate for visa renewal (AED 120)
- Request for student leaving form for the students who are leaving Dubai (AED 120)
- Request for student transfer between private schools (within the stipulated time frame)-Student transfer (AED 120)
- Request for student transfer between private schools (after the stipulated time frame)-Student transfer (AED 520)
- Request for attestation of student certificate or report card (120 AED).
- Issuance of ‘To whomsoever it may concern’ certificate for matters related to School – Attestation (AED 120)
- Issuance of ‘To whomsoever it may concern’ certificate for matters related to Students – Academic History (AED 120)
- Request to change student data at the Authority – Student exam grade amendment (AED 120)
In case any of the above services are required, please make payment of the respective amount with our school accounts office before collecting the document listed above.
Bank Transfer:
Please contact our DBSEH Accounts Team at +971 (0)4 361 9361 ext 604 for account details to make bank transfers. All charges are the responsibility of the remitter. When a bank transfer is made, please ensure that all relevant information is added to the transfer form including student name and grade, and confirm transfer by contacting our Accounts Team.
Account Name: Dubai British School
Bank name & account number: EMIRATES ISLAMIC BANK / 350-7623323-509
Branch / Address: Main Branch/ Deira, Dubai
IBAN No.: AE870340003507623323509
Swift Code: MEBLAEAD
Credit Card Payments:
We accept MasterCard and Visa only. To pay by card please use the link contained in the invoice received or complete the Credit Card Authorisation form and include a copy of your credit card and a copy of your Emirates ID or Passport.
A company cheque is preferred. In case payment is made by a personal cheque, then the school requires payment at least 3 (three) working days prior to the due date of the invoice. All cheques must be made payable to “Dubai British School”. A charge of AED 500 will be made for any returned or dishonoured cheque. Post dated cheques are to be lodged for Term 2 at any time in advance of the due date.
In the cases of both existing and new students, the registration/re-registration deposit will not be refunded unless there are extenuating circumstances. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, evidence of family/student relocation to another country/emirate or any other unforeseen circumstances. Such cases may be submitted to KHDA for review.
In the case of refund, the school fees will be calculated as follows:
- Tuition fees paid prior to the beginning of the academic year are refundable and only the registration/ re-registration fees will be deducted.
- If the student was enrolled in the school for two weeks or less, a month’s fees will be deducted.
- If the student was enrolled in the school for a period ranging between two weeks and one month, two months’ fees will be deducted.
- If the student was enrolled in the school for more than a month, the full term’s fees will be deducted.
- The above refund policy is applicable per term depending on the date of the withdrawal request.
- The refund will be calculated from the start of the term and the date of the official request by the parent stating the intent of withdrawal and not from the date when the student was absent. Being on the school registrar counts as days in school.
- Registration or Re-registration deposits are refundable in cases where a school’s quality rating has dropped and students wish to move to a school with a better rating, as stated in the Dubai Schools Inspection Bureau report.
- Book fees are refundable if the student decides to leave the school prior to the beginning of the academic year.
- Any provisions in any other policies or approvals will be repealed in the event that they contradict this policy.
Taaleem offer additional benefits to employees of Emirates Airlines, FlyDubai, Dnata and National Bonds.
Credit card holders can convert school payments into 0% instalments.