I am thrilled to join DBSEH as the Secondary Drama teacher and have a true passion for my subject and everything Performing Arts related.

I moved to Dubai in 2012 with my husband and have been teaching Drama, Dance and Performing Arts here in the Middle East since then. Before that I was teaching in London, UK within a large Performing Arts department enjoying what being so close to London brings for the Theatre and Performing Arts world.

I truly believe that Drama can bring so much to students beyond acting in the theatre. It is a subject where students can applying critical thinking, develop confidence, problem solve, collaborate and many more transferrable skills.

Show time is my favourite time as I really do enjoy productions and musicals in particular, where my passion and expertise of Dance, Music and Drama comes together. It is hard work but more than anything so very rewarding. I look forward to working with all of the students at DBSEH and igniting their passion for Drama and more.

Best memory on Teaching

Giving support to students to watch them grow and platform above and beyond they ever thought possible is an amazing and rewarding thing to be part of. Having the opportunity to work with young people and support their development in their education and is why I became a teacher and I am so lucky that I get to love my job every single day. A highlight in Dubai would be the first whole school production I led in a school that did not previously have Drama, the bond students and staff quickly grew was fantastic to see and showed that buzz about the 'show time'. 

One of my UK highlights w0uld be getting to work with companies such as The Royal Ballet School in particular through the Primary Steps Programme, this is where gifted children are spotted who may have potential to thrive in the ballet dance style and to allow children who would not normally access ballet training to be given the opportunity. Here I got to see and be a part of the students excel in the high achieving discipline and experience.

